Outdoor Grade Vinyl Labels for BBP3x/S3xxx/i3300 Printers. Durable, low-shrink vinyl with our most aggressive adhesive. Conforms to irregular, curved, rough and highly textured surfaces (painted cinder blocks, uneven wood, textured plastics, paper-jacketed pipes, powder-coated surfaces). Adheres to "difficult" low-surface energy items (PVC piping, blow-molded equipment cases, ABS plastics, recycled plastics). Ideal for a wide range of labelling applications.
Data-sheet: Download here
Height: 97.79 mm
Thickness: 0.102 mm
Web Width: 82.55 mm
Width: 57.15 mm
Adhesive Type: ["Permanent Acrylic"]
Approval Compliance EMEA: Brady Material Number: B-595
Finish: Indoor or Outdoor Use: Label Properties: Material: Material Type: Maximum Service Temperature: 82 °C
Minimum Service Temperature: -40 °C
Ressistance Properties: Applications: Colour: Continuous or Die-Cut: Die-cut
Print Technology:
Printer & Label Applications:
Printer Compatibility:
Quantity Per Roll: 250
Shape: Rectangle